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Danyliuk Says That Local Budget Already Accumulated 135 Billions

Wednesday, 25 October 2017 16:55

The Ministry of Finance considers that it is necessary to implement the decentralization reform so that each Ukrainian community receives enough financial resources and opportunities, and bears full responsibility for what happens locally, Minister of Finance Alexander Danyliuk told when participating in the session of the Regional Development Council, the Governmental Portal informed, ET reports.

“Our purpose is to implement the decentralization reform so that each Ukrainian community receives enough financial resources and opportunities, and bears full responsibility for what happens locally”, Danyliuk told.

The Ministry of Finance considers that the strengthening of financial capacity of local budgets is among the important results of the first stage of the budget decentralization reform. In particular, the local authorities received the additional resource for fulfilment of both delegated authorities and self-governing functions.

As Danyliuk noted, almost UAH 135 bln or almost 80% from the annual volume of proceeds, approved by local councils, were received by the general fund of local budgets for January – September 2017. The increase of proceeds to the general fund for such period 2016 makes up 30% or UAH 31.1 bln.

The Minister of Finance also emphasized the necessity to decide the question of unequal increase of the revenue side of local budgets. In the regions, there exists the significant difference in the level of social-economic and infrastructure development, scale of implemented reforms and local opportunities.

“The increasing number of regions demonstrate readiness for reformatory changes. However, the readiness is different. Our principled position: local authorities should be responsible for proper financing of budgetary institutions and entities on their territories. Meanwhile, this should be an equal distribution of the financial resource over all regions of Ukraine”, Danyliuk noted.

Reportedly, the receipts of local budgets for 9 months versus the same period of 2016 increased by UAH 31.1 bln or by 30%.

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