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IMF Puts Forward 4 Requirements to Ukraine for Obtaining Next Tranche

Friday, 03 November 2017 16:53

The International Monetary Fund puts forward 4 requirements to Ukraine for obtaining the next tranche, IMF Representative to Ukraine Gösta Ljungman reported, Ukrainian News reports.

“The conditions for the fourth revision of the program include the approval of law on privatization, which will ensure transparent sale of state-owned assets. The implemented pension reform was also one of the requirements. Now, we are assessing how it corresponds to the pension system. There is also a requirement to create the anticorruption court and settling the question with gas prices – the resolution (№187), which was approved by the government in February”, he said.

Ljungman also emphasized the necessity to implement the land reform.

“We did not refuse from this reform. We decided to postpone it by 2018 in order to give time for its comprehensive development and finding consensus within the community”, he added.

IMF Representative noted that Ukraine already fulfilled the program for 2/3, USD 12.5 bln were obtained.

Among the most important implemented reforms, he emphasized the reform of the banking sector, introducing a floating exchange rate, inflation targeting, creating NABU and reforming the energy sector.

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