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AMCU Imposes Fines on Filling Stations Because of Petrol Price Surge

Wednesday, 08 November 2017 16:23

The territorial division of the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine (AMCU) in Kharkiv region imposed fines on the operators of retail sale of liquefied gas for concerted actions on the market, Finance.ua reports quoting AMCU’s press office.

Thus, as per results of hearing the case on the violation of economic competition protection legislation, AMCU’s territorial division established that the fuel market operators “fulfilled actions, which consist in similar increase of retail prices for liquefied gas on filling stations through increasing the trade mark-ups”.

The territorial division informs that company’s actions violated the legislation on protection of economic competition, stipulated by the third part of article 6, point 1 of article 50 of the Law of Ukraine On Protection of Economic Competition by fulfilling anticorruption concerted actions, which may lead to restriction of competition, while the analysis of situation on the product market denies presence of objective reasons for fulfilling such actions.

As the result, the fine was imposed on the following companies: Craft, Nikol, Tatneft AFS Ukraine, Belcom, Rod-Nik, State Oil, Brent Oil, Ukrgasdobycha, Vostok-Nafta, Alliance-2004, Liliya, Marshal, Ilant, Kharkovregiongas, Promagroservis, Avto Gas as well as the individual entrepreneurs: A. Tretiakov, S. Trinov, A. Chubabrii, V. Kisil, V. Volkov. V. Funikov.

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Чем бы она не являлась, тема требует изучения и законодательного регулирования - 20.8%
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