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Naftogaz Comments on New Composition of Supervisory Board

Tuesday, 28 November 2017 17:20

The members of new supervisory board of Naftogaz of Ukraine NJSC are competent and independent, Chief Commercial Director of Naftogaz Yuri Vitrenko said, Ukrinform reports.

“It is a very pleasant news for us. At least, when we look at the reputation of these people, we see that it is really competent and independent people”, Vitrenko told. 

As reported, during the session of the Cabinet of Ministers on November 22, Prime Minister Volodymyr Groisman told the names of six members of a new supervisory board of Naftogaz NJSC.

It should be reminded that on September 19, the independent members of the supervisory board of Naftogaz of Ukraine NJSC Paul Warwick and Marcus Richards decided to resign.

As EP reported, in spring 2017, three independent members of the supervisory board of Naftogaz Charles Proctor, Marcus Richards and Paul Warwick applied to the government with a warning on their possible resignation in case of absence of any progress in solving chronic problems of NJSC.

Yulia Kovaliv, who then occupied the post of the Head of Supervisory Board of Naftogaz, signed this application.

In early September, Charles Proctor reported that he will resign on September 30.

On April 3, Kovaliv filed application on termination of powers as the member of the supervisory board of the company by her own volition.

In total, the supervisory board of Naftogaz included 5 members: Former Minister of Energy Vladimir Demchyshyn, Yulia Kovaliv and foreigners Paul Warwick, Charles Proctor and Marcus Richards.

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