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Ukraine Is Among Twenty Best Gas Hubs of Europe

Wednesday, 29 November 2017 17:05

Ukraine scored 3.5 points in EFET ranking. The European Federation of Energy Traders included Ukraine in its ranking for the first time.

Ukraine for the first time entered top 20 gas hubs in the ranking of the European Federation of Energy Traders, ranking 18th, Naftogaz’s press-office reported on Wednesday, November 29, Correspondent.net reports.

“EFET for the first time included Ukraine in the annual ranking of gas hubs. In the ranking of the federation, Ukraine obtained 3.5 points and conceded to such liquid hubs as NBP, TTF, NCG, but got ahead of Bulgaria and Romania, which started the process of liberalization of the gas market much earlier than our country”, according to the message.

It is noted that for improvement of its positions in EFET’s ranking, Ukraine should set rates on the internal points of entry/exit from GTS, implement annual balancing with regulation of imbalances and start using short-term standardized products on the trade platform within the limits of daily balancing.

“The approval of draft amendments to GTS code, developed by Ukrtransgas and submitted to NEURC, will help the Ukrainian hub to significantly improve its positions in the next EFET’s ranking”, Naftogaz added.

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