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NBU: Banking Crisis Costs Ukraine 14% GDP

Thursday, 30 November 2017 17:30

Sologub commented on the banking crisis and its consequences. The National Bank found out that the problems in the banking sector started in 2008.

The expenses of Ukraine for solving the banking crisis, as the result of which dozens of financial institutions went bankrupt, made up about 14% of GDP for three years, Deputy Chairman of the National Bank Dmitri Sologub said during the conference in Kyiv on Thursday, November 30, Correspondent.net reports quoting UNIAN.

“The direct expenses of Ukraine for solving the banking crisis made up about 14% of GDP, and it is not a lot”, he said.

According to Sologub, the problems in the banking sector of Ukraine appeared as the result of the financial crisis back in 2008-2009, which the national regulators did not manage to cope with.

“These problems were accumulated from 2008 and were not eliminated due to ignoring the situation”, NBU’s Deputy Head emphasized.

It should be reminded that Director of the Banking Group Moody's Investors Service Yaroslav Sovgira stated that in Ukraine, the banking system overcame the crisis and comes out of the condition of insolvency.

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