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Oshchadbank Provides NABU with Some Documents on Special Confiscation of Yanukovich’s Billions

Friday, 12 January 2018 17:10

Upon the request of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau, Oshchadbank provided some part of the documents, which are of interest to the bureau, as part of the investigation of criminal proceeding about the special confiscation of USD 1.5 bln, seized on the accounts of Former President Victor Yanukovich and his surrounding persons, the law enforcement source told to Ukrainian News

“Some document were provided to them”, he said.

In the meantime, the source did not specify which these documents are.

According to him, on Friday, SAPO and NABU will hear this case at the meeting and take decision – to close it or continue the investigation.

On January 10, the Arabian edition Al Jazeera published the sentence of Kramatorsk district court on the special confiscation of USD 1.5 bln of Former Presider Victor Yanukovich and his surrounding persons.

Then this decision was also published by Ukrainian Truth.

Based on the document, the editions make conclusion that ICU investment company contributed to assets legalization by Yanukovich’s surrounding persons and their withdrawal abroad as well as that the position of the General Prosecutor’s Office is untenable in the case of special confiscation.

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