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Danyliuk: Ukraine Can Enter Capital Markets Again

Tuesday, 23 January 2018 17:44

In the first half of 2018, Ukraine can enter the international capital market, issuing eurobonds, Minister of Finance Alexander Danyliuk said, Reuters reports.

“There are financial needs, and, as the Minister of Finance, I should satisfy them. Every time, when the market are ready, when we have optimal time, we should use the market. We have plans for this year, and the investors wait for us”, the minister emphasized.

Danyliuk added that the eurobonds may be issued by late June.

“Obtaining funds through the sale of eurobonds does not weaken the country’s ambition to implement reforms, which the main lender – International Monetary Fund - requires”, the politician specified.

The creation of the Anticorruption Court is one of IMF requirements. The fund criticized the presidential draft law and is not satisfied with the fact that the document does not guarantee the court’s independence.

“I hope that we will obtain the document, which will satisfy everybody. We always seriously look at what IMF offers us. Especially in the issues, where Ukraine less experience. 2018 is not the end of history. We have a very continuous cooperation with IMF. And it is clear that we will continue working together”, Danyliuk emphasized. 

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Чем бы она не являлась, тема требует изучения и законодательного регулирования - 20.8%
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