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General Prosecutor’s Office Puts out Search for One of Managers of Delta Bank

Tuesday, 13 February 2018 17:38

The General Prosecutor’s Office puts out search for one of the managers of Delta Bank JSC due to the suspicion of the embezzlement of bank funds, amounting to about UAH 1.1 billion, the press office of the General Prosecutor’s Office reports.

“The General Prosecutor’s Office of Ukraine conduct pretrial investigation of the criminal case upon the suspicion of one of managers of Delta Bank JSC of embezzlement of bank funds, amounting to more than USD 1.118 bln, suggesting possible offence, stipulated in part 5 of art. 191 of CC of Ukraine”, according to the message.

It is noted that considering that the suspect is hiding from preliminary investigation bodies, he is put on the wanted list.

It is also reported that for ensuring reimbursement of the damages, caused by the committed crime, during the pretrial investigation upon the petition of the prosecutor, the attachment was imposed in the movable and immovable property, which is, asper received data, is the property, purchased or received through the proceeds from committed crime.

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