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Over 14 Thousand Ukrainian Companies Enter EU Market

Wednesday, 14 February 2018 17:20

Last year, over 14 thousand companies exported to the European Union, by 734 companies more than in 2016. The statistics of the trade with EU made tangible positive changes.

In 2017, over 14 thousand Ukrainian companies exported their products to EU, Representative of Ukraine to EU Nikolai Tochitski told during interview with Ukrinform on Tuesday, February 13, Correspondent.net reports.

“The number of Ukrainian companies, exporting their goods to EU member countries, is constantly increasing. According to the data of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade, in 2017, over 14 thousand Ukrainian companies exported their products to EU that is by 734 companies more than in 2016”, the ambassador informed.

According to him, the statistics of the trade with EU made tangible positive changes. In particular, in 2017, the export to EU countries increased by 30%, while the EU share in Ukraine’s foreign trade structure already makes up almost 43%. In the meantime, in 2013, this indicator did not exceed 20%.

The ambassador also noted that the share of small and medium companies in the list of exporters remains insufficient.

“The representatives of our small and medium enterprises very often do know where they can find the necessary basic information on the export of goods to EU market as well as the existence of EU program, thanks to which one can search for foreign partners for establishing cooperation”, Tochitski said.

It should be reminded that previously, it was reported that 63 Ukrainian companies obtained permissions for export of food products to the European Union.

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Чем бы она не являлась, тема требует изучения и законодательного регулирования - 20.8%
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