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Ministry of Infrastructure Will Ask NSDC to Ban Russian Vessels from Entering Ukrainian Rivers

Tuesday, 24 April 2018 17:04

The Ministry of Infrastructure initiates appeal to NSDC on banning the entry of Russian vessels to the internal waterways of Ukraine due to the high level of terrorist threats, the press office  of the ministry reports.

“It is unacceptable, when during aggression from the Russian Federation, the Russian vessels sail in Ukrainian rivers, where there are critical infrastructure facilities. We will ban Russian vessels from sailing in Ukrainian rivers”, Deputy Minister of Infrastructure Yuri Lavreniuk emphasized.

He also emphasized the necessity of strengthening interaction between the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the State Border Service, the Foreign Intelligence Service, as well as the President’s representative office in the Crimea in regard to the entry of vessels in closed sea ports of the Crimea and Sevastopol, as well as the sanction measures, associated with the construction of the bridge through Kerch Strait.

“We need to maximally strengthen measures on detecting unsanctioned entries of vessels in the closed ports of the Crimea and bringing them to justice. The Ministry of Infrastructure will carry out the analysis of vessels – violators by flag countries and owners of the vessels with taking further steps towards such violators”, Lavreniuk emphasized.

He also stated that the Ministry of Infrastructure transferred to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs the materials of the sanction list for further adding to the international lawsuit.

Reportedly, the Ministry of Infrastructure includes in the list of sanctions those companies, which operate on construction facilities of Kerch Strait in annexed Crimea.

In September 2017, President Petro Poroshenko gave order to file a lawsuit to the court against the Russian Federation because of the construction of Kerch bridge in the Crimea.

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