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Government Plans to Approve Draft Law on Anticorruption Strategy for 2018-2020

Wednesday, 25 April 2018 16:52

Today, on April 25, during his session, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine plans to approve the draft law on anticorruption strategy for 2018-2020, according to the agenda of today’s government session, UNN reports.

In addition, today, the Cabinet of Ministers plans to approve the draft laws On Main Principles (Strategy) of State Ecologic Policy of Ukraine for the period before 2030 and approve the draft order of the President of Ukraine On Introducing Amendments to the Order of the President of Ukraine dated 31 October 2011 № 1008”, which regards the questions of demarcation of the state border of Ukraine.

Today, the government will also create the Coordination Board for implementation of the national strategy of waste management in Ukraine by 2030, the Commission on preparation of the opinion as to the expediency of provision of temporary support to producers, who carry out combined production of electric and thermal energy on the heat and power plants, will introduce amendments to the Regulations on the Pension Fund of Ukraine and to the Regulations on the State Audit Service of Ukraine.

Among other things, the Cabinet of Ministers will approve the State Program on Upgrading Road Traffic Safety in Ukraine for the period by 2020, the procedures of realization of state guarantees of medical support of the population as per the program of medical guarantees for primary medical aid for 2018.

Meanwhile, by its orders, the Cabinet of Ministers will also introduce amendments to the plan of measures, aimed at implementing the Strategy of Reforming the Public Finance Management System for 2017-2020, will approve the list of land plots, related to the lands of defense, on which it is planned to build residential houses for militaries of the State Security Services and their families, as well as will allocate funds for implementation of the activities, associated with prevention and elimination of emergency consequences.

It should be reminded that Vladimir Groisman wrote in Twitter that in May, the government plants t cancel unnecessary regulations and approve some decisions, above all, for IT sector.

Что для Вас криптовалюта?

Виртуальные «фантики», крупная махинация вроде финансовой пирамиды - 42.3%
Новая эволюционная ступень финансовых отношений - 25.9%
Чем бы она не являлась, тема требует изучения и законодательного регулирования - 20.8%
Даже знать не хочу что это. Я – евро-долларовый консерватор - 6.2%
Очень выгодные вложения, я уже приобретаю и буду приобретать биткоины - 4.3%

29 августа вступила в силу законодательная норма о начислении штрафов-компенсаций за несвоевременную выплату алиментов (от 20 до 50%). Компенсации будут перечисляться детям

В нашей стране стоит сто раз продумать, прежде чем рожать детей - 33.3%
Лучше бы государство изобретало механизмы финансовой поддержки института семьи в условиях кризиса - 29.3%
Это не уменьшит числа разводов, но заставит отцов подходить к вопросу ответственно - 26.7%
Эта норма важна для сохранения «института отцовства». Поддерживаю - 9.3%