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IMF Specifies Three Conditions for Revising Program of Cooperation with Ukraine

Thursday, 26 April 2018 17:05

For revising the program of cooperation with the International Monetary Fund, it is required to create the Anticorruption Court, to improve the financial standing of Naftogaz of Ukraine NJSC and public finance in general, as well as normalize the budget policy,First Deputy Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund David Lipton said, UBR reports.

According to him, it is crucial for Ukraine to implement all three above-mentioned requirements. In particular, there should the Anticorruption Court in the country, because the corruption is one of the largest problems of Ukraine, affecting the investment inflow and business development.

As the second condition, he called the improvement of Naftogaz’s financial standing and public finance in general for maintaining the stable situation.

“Everything, which destroys it, is very dangerous. Not to mention that with the gas price liberalization, Ukraine will manage to decrease the level of significant dependence on Russian gas, and the last thing, which the country needs, is the renewal of this dependable condition”, Lipton emphasized.

In addition, it was noted that the normalization of the budget policy is not the insignificant condition.

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