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Naftogaz Finds New Gas Supplier

Wednesday, 25 July 2018 16:12

Naftogaz of Ukraine NJSC started procurement of the natural gas from the world’s largest oil trader Vitol, A-95 Consulting Group informed, enkorr reports.

It is noted that Naftogaz purchased about 25 mln cubic meters from Vitol’s Dutch subsidiary Gas and Power DV. The first supplies were made in June through Hungary.

These are the full-scale sales of natural gas by Vitol to Ukrainian counterparts.

In November 2017, the test gas lot from Vitol trader’s resources was delivered to Ukraine in customs warehouse mode.

It should be reminded that during the last two years, Naftogaz has been purchasing gas from about 15 European suppliers, among which there was the closest Vitol’s rival Trafigura. As per the results of the 1st half year of 2018, RWE (Germany), Axpo (Switzerland) and DXT Commodities (former DufEnergy) were top three largest counterparts of the state holding.

It should be noted that Ukraine does not import the natural gas under the contract with Russian monopolist Gazprom from November 26, 2015, purchasing the resource only at its Western border.

Vitol is the largest oil trader in the world with annual turnover of $152 bln. The company also owns shares of Azerbaijani company Arawak Energy, which has a joint project with Geo Alliance in Ukraine.

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