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AMCU Starts Investigating Signs of Monopoly Abuse by Ukrtransgas

Wednesday, 15 August 2018 17:05

The Antimonopoly Committee started considering the case on the signs of monopoly abuse by the gas transportation system operator Ukrtransgas due to the requirement of providing personal data of domestic consumers, according to AMCU’s message, Ukrainian News reports.

“AMCU started considering the case on the signs of violating the legislation on economic competition protection by Ukrtransgaz. As per results of considering the statements of natural gas suppliers on violating the legislation on the protection of economic competition and NEURC act regarding the unscheduled check if Ukrtransgaz   observes the licensing terms of implementation of business activities on transportation of the natural gas, the Antimonopoly Committee started considering the case on the signs of the monopoly abuse by Ukrtransgaz”, the message says.

According to the message, Ukrtransgas posted new forms of the monthly nomination/renomination of the customer of the natural gas transportation services.

Meanwhile, the posted forms of submitting nominations included the sections for filling in the personal data of users, who are not determined by the requirements of the Code of Gas Transportation System, in particular, personal data of domestic consumers, namely: surname, name, patronymic name, postal address, individual tax number that could lead to termination of the gas supply of domestic users as well as infringement of interest of business entities, which supply the natural gas on the respective territory.

As Ukrainian News reported, the National Energy and Utilities Regulatory Commission (NEURC) extended the deadline of introducing the daily gas balancing from August 1 to October 1 and imposed a fine on the gas transportation system operator Ukrtransgaz for UAH 850 ths for incompliance of the Code of Gas Transportation System on creating the information platform for implementing the daily balancing on the gas market.

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