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World Bank Prepares Guarantee for Ukraine for $650 Million

Thursday, 16 August 2018 20:40

The World Bank, at the request of the Government of Ukraine, prepares a $ 650 million guarantee operation in support of major reforms for the economic growth, fiscal sustainability and improved governance.

This is stated in a press release of the bank on Thursday, Interfax-Ukraine reports.

"After the completion of preparation and approval of the new operation, Ukraine will receive a guarantee from the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development for $ 650 million, which will help to borrow about 800 million dollars in foreign markets", the release said.

According to him, in order for the new WB operation to become possible, it is necessary to confirm the completion of all actions on the initiated reforms and a favorable macroeconomic situation.

In this context, the bank finds critical the entry into force of the laws "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts Relating to the Improvement of the Functioning of the Financial Sector in Ukraine" (No. 8331d) and "On Amending Certain Legislative Acts Relating to Lending" (No. 6027d), which were accepted by the Verkhovna Rada in July.

The bank also points out that it is critical for the government to reach agreement with the International Monetary Fund on the fourth revision of the EFF extended financing program, without which a new guarantee operation cannot be implemented.

"The World Bank calls on the government of Ukraine to complete all necessary actions on the initiated reforms and reach agreement with the IMF on the fourth revision of the lending program," the release notes.

As reported, the IMF mission for the fourth revision of the EFF program will arrive in Ukraine on September 6. The Ukrainian government and the National Bank expects that following its work, it will be decided to allocate the country the 5th tranche of the EFF loan for about $ 1.9 billion.

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