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Trump and Putin Will Conduct Negotiations on G20 Summit

Wednesday, 28 November 2018 16:20

U.S. and Russia’s Presidents will discuss safety and arms control issues, Trump’s National Security Adviser John Bolton noted.

U.S. President Donald Trump will conduct bilateral negotiations with President of Russia Vladimir Putin at G20 Summit in Argentina, White House Spokesperson Sara Sanders said during the briefing, RIA News reported on Tuesday, November 26, Correspondent.net reports.

“At G20, the President and delegation have planned the meetings with many leaders, including the bilateral meetings with President of Argentina, President of Russia, Prime Minister of Japan, Chancellor of Germany”, Sanders said.

In its turn, US President’s National Security Advisor John Bolton told about the agenda of negotiations.

“I think we will discuss all issues related to safety, arms control, regional question, including Middle East”, he said at the briefing at White House.

G20 Summit was scheduled for November 29 – December 1 in Buenos Aires.

Previously, the negotiations of Trump and Putin broke off. They were planned for November 11 in Paris during celebrations of 100th anniversary of World War I. The leaders of two countries only met for a working breakfast. They shook hands to each other, but they had no opportunity to talk.

Later, the mass media reported that the meeting of Trump and Putin in Paris was not held due to the address of French President Emmanuel Macron.

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