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USA does not Defend Its Economic Blockade of Cuba in UN

Thursday, 27 October 2016 15:32

For the first time, USA abstained from voting against the annual UN resolution, encouraging the cessation of economic blockade of Cuba, BBC reports.

US Ambassador to UN Samantha Power said that this historical decision reflects a new cooperation policy, replacing isolation.

“After more than 55 years of following the way of isolation, we choose the way of cooperation”, Power said.

In the meantime, the abstaining from voting does not mean that Washington agrees with all policies and actions of the Cuban government, Power emphasized, reminding of serious violations of human rights in Cuba.

The resolution was approved by majority voting. Only Israel abstained from voting together with the USA.

The diplomatic relationships of the USA and Cuba were rebuilt in the last year, however the Congress, controlled by Republicans, is against the lifting of economic embargo.

UN General Assembly approves this resolution each year since 1992, and the USA is always resolutely against it.

Such resolutions are not compulsory for fulfilment, however, as the experts note, the current decision of the USA is important as a symbol. Thus, the Executive Office of US President Barak Obama made it clear that it considers the blockade of Cuba to be obsolete and counterproductive.


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