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Lawsuit Filed against Developer of Tilting Skyscraper in San Francisco

Friday, 04 November 2016 15:59

The City Attorney of San Francisco filed the lawsuit against the development company Mission Street Developer, which built the tilting skyscraper in the city, BBC reports.

58-floor building with ambitious title “The Millennium Tower” was built in 2008 and became the highest residential skyscraper of San Francisco.

Along with apartments, the building has also the roofed swimming pool, recreational club and spa center, movie theater, restaurant and wine bar.

Despite the high price of apartments – more than 10 mln dollars – all 419 penthouses of “The Millennium Tower” were sold fast.

It soon surfaced that the building started sinking in the soft soil and tilted.

The skyscrapers usually suffer from subsidence upon the completion of construction, but not such big as in case with “The Millennium Tower” – for eight years, the building sank by 40 centimeters.

Moreover, it is sinking unevenly – the shift from the vertical axis at the top of the skyscraper is already about 15 centimeters.

City Attorney of San Francisco Dennis Herrera claims in his suit that the developer knew about the problem with the footing during the construction stage, but, in violation of legislative requirements, it withheld this information from potential apartment buyers.

The developer company calls the city’s claims groundless. The representatives of Mission Street Developers claim that this excessive tilt of “The Millennium Tower” is caused by nearby underground works, performed by other company - Transbay Joint Powers Authority.

Transbay Joint Powers Authority rejects claims and states that the skyscraper was constructed, violating the technology. 

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