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WSJ: US Intelligence Agencies Check Contacts of Trump’s Advisor with Russia

Monday, 23 January 2017 17:23

US intelligence agencies conducted investigation of «contacts» between President Donald Trump’s National Security Advisor Michael Flynn and representatives of Russia, RIA News reports with reference to Wall Street Journal.

Previously, the mass media reported information about the conversation of Flynn with Russia’s Ambassador to the United States Sergei Kislyak. Some US politicians had fears that Flynn and Kislyak spoke over the phone and discussed US sanctions against Moscow. The Russian embassy declined to comment contacts with Trump’s team.

As the edition writes, now it is certainly not known when the counterintelligence started checking, if it found some «exposing» evidence and if the investigation still continues. According to the newspaper, intelligence agencies intend to clarify circumstances of Flynn «contacts» with Russia representatives as well as whether they were illegal.

It is noted that not only the conversation of Flynn with Sergei Kisliak became the subject matter of investigation, but also much earlier contacts of Trump’s advisor with Russian representatives.

On Sunday, US President administration spokesperson Sara Sanders said that the White House is “totally unaware of any investigation or even reasons for such investigation”.

Previously Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia Sergei Ryabkov noted that the Ministry of Internal Affairs does not comment on daily working contacts with US colleagues or other countries. According to him, the US speculatively play with the topic of contacts of Moscow with Donald Trump’s team and intimidate themselves with the «Russian threat».

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