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MTS Comments Messages about Roaming Cancellation inside Russia

Tuesday, 26 September 2017 17:05

MTS confirms that the company conducts negotiations with federal agencies about cancellation of roaming inside Russia, Head of MTS Press Office Dmitri Solodovnikov, said, RIA News reports quoting Gazeta.ru.

“We have dialogue with the antimonopoly agency and ministry on this question”, Solodovnikov told. He added that previously it was agreed that the operators will provide detailed offers to authorities, taking into account the interests of subscribers and industry.

The day before, the Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS) reported that it is planned to cancel the national roaming in Russia within nine months. As the service’s deputy head Anatoli Golomolzin told, the dialogue with operators on this issue is going in a positive way.

In Russia, there exist several types of roaming: national, intra-network and standalone in the Crimea. The intra-network roaming allows communicating beyond your home region for extra fee. The national roaming, in its turn, is needed when the network of certain operator is absent in some region. Previously, FAS initiated cases against operators of “Big Four” due to the prices for connection in the national roaming. The cases will be considered in late September.

In August, FAS ordered “Big Four” operators to fulfill the service’s warning regarding groundlessly high prices for intra-network roaming until December 15 that actually means its cancellation. The Ministry of Communications and the antimonopoly service expect to elaborate decisions by the end of the year, which will allow removing the notion of intra-network roaming from operator tariffs in early 2018, Minister Nikolai Nikiforov said to the journalists.  

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