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Ukraine Can Become One of Key Players of EU’s Energy Market – Mingarelli

Monday, 19 November 2018 16:03

As part of reforming the oil & gas sector, Ukraine can become one of key players of EU’s energy market, Head of EU Delegation to Ukraine Hugues Migarelli said during III Ukrainian Oil & Gas Investment Forum in Ukraine, Ukrinform reports.

“From 2014, Ukraine imports gas from EU, it already became customary. However, in future, Ukraine can become the exporter, there is potential to become one of the most powerful gas markets of Europe. We understand that Ukraine should acquire higher energetic independence”, Mingarelli said.

He emphasized that the gas transit in Ukraine worked very well for all these years. He also generates a significant profit for Ukraine.

“If once Ukraine loses its transiter, then every year its budget will lose USD 2-3 bln. That is why we say that Ukraine should remain as the transiter country. We work with the European Commission, Russia and Ukraine to find new framework for the long-term contract. Everyone agreed that he should be drawn up under European rules”, Mingarelli told.

He emphasized that EU delegation will make every effort so that Ukraine remains the transiter.

“Taking into account the energetic security, those effort we make will pay off”, Migharelli added.

In addition, he reminded that Ukraine should make every effort to conduct unbundling so that it is completed by 1 January 2020.

“If it fails to do it, it can have serious consequences”, Head of EU delegation emphasized.

As is known, on September 19, 2018, Naftogaz of Ukraine NJSC and Main Pipelines of Ukraine OJSC presented a roadmap of the separation process of the gas transportation system operator until 01 January 2020. Naftogaz involved experienced consultants, who will deal with legal, technical and operational aspects of unbundling.

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