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AMCU Defers Hearing of Case on Akmetov’s DTEK Monopolism Again

Wednesday, 21 November 2018 16:46

The Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine (AMCU) deferred to December 18 the hearing of the case, initiated upon possible violation of the legislation on protection of economic competition by DTEK Dniproenergo, DTEK Zakhidenergo and DTEK Vostokenergo, the committee’s press office reported, ET reports quoting Interfax-Ukraine.

“The case hearing is ongoing. The next session is scheduled for December 18”, AMKU reported.

It is noted that the session has been deferred due to the need to study new materials.

The representatives of case plaintiffs participated in the session – NEURC and Ukrenergo.

The new session was already open. Chairman of AMCU Yurii Terentiev warned that the committee insists on the participation of plaintiffs in the proceeding, but in case of their non-attendance the issue can be considered without them.

Reportedly, the session, initially planned for November 8, which should have been held in camera, was deferred to November 20 because of non-attendance of claimants.

Back in 2015, AMCU initiated a proceeding on the monopoly position of DTEK energy holding on the electrical energy market. According to Terentiev, the committee does not consider the heating generation as the separate market; however, it does not prevent from opening a case.

In its turn, DTEK’s press office stated that the holding is not monopolist and hopes for the objective and transparent investigation of the situation on the electrical energy market.

Previously, CEO of DTEK Maksim Timchenko told during interview with Economic Truth that AMCU officially notified DTEK of the intention to close a three-year investigation against the group.

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