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Law on the High Council of Justice needs a systemic improvement - O. Lavrynovych

Tuesday, 04 February 2014 11:24

Chairman of the High Council of Justice cited three main factors that need to be improved

Legislation regulating the activities of the High Council of Justice, needs the systemic improvement. The Head of the High Council of Justice Oleksandr Lavrynovych was commenting the questions journalists' about judges, whose activities were discovered and proved to have the composition of offenses, managed avoiding responsibility under the consideration of the issue in the High Council of Justice, the press service of the Ministry of Justice says.

Oleksandr Lavrynovych cited three main factors that need to be improved, as they have a negative impact on the quality of implementation by the High Council of Justice of its powers.

In particular, according to the Chairman of the HCJ, a method to form the High Council of Justice needs improvement, which directly reflects on the members of the High Council of Justice regularly participating and regularly attend meetings of the Council, and who is not. According to him, over the years with this method of formation that exists today, the High Council of Justice has almost never collected for meeting its full composition, or structure, in which the number of members present is much higher than the required quorum.

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