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Military units of the Russian Federation have been withdrawn from maneuvers near the Ukraine’s border

Tuesday, 29 April 2014 16:46

S.Shoigu has had a talk with the US Department of Defense

The Russian Minister for Defense Sergey Shoigu declared that the Russian military units that participated in maneuvers near the border with Ukraine have been removed to the places of their permanent dislocation, Mr.Shoigu said to US Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel over phone in the evening, on April 28, the RBK-Ukraine (РБК-Украина) reports, with reference to the press-office of the Russia’s Ministry of Defense.

«The risk that the armed forces of Ukraine could attack the civilian population, said General of the Army Sergey Shoigu, forced Russia to announce a launch of large-scale military exercises to be held on its territory in the regions adjoining  the Ukraine’s border. This decision was made public. However, as soon as the Ukrainian authorities announced they had not any intent to use hardcore military divisions against the unarmed population, the Russian military units were withdrawn and returned to the places of their permanent dislocation », - the statement says.

Mr.Shoigu has also disproved the information about presence of the Russian sabotage and reconnaissance groups, which «are supposedly destabilizing the situation in the south-east regions of Ukraine».

At the same time, Chief of the Russian military department stated that the Ukrainian authorities have recently deployed along its south-east borders around 80 tanks, over 130 infantry fighting vehicles and armored troop carriers, not less than 60 cannon gunneries and trench mortars. «Operational aircrafts and helicopters are being regularly involved. Total amount of the Ukrainian grouping reaches 15 thousand military. And all the said troops are against the peaceful population of their own country», - Shoigu thinks.

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