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The President’s tenure will be 5 years – the Constitutional Court of Ukraine

Friday, 16 May 2014 16:19

The court’s decision has been read out

The Constitutional Court of Ukraine announced its decision that states the term of the Ukraine’s President to be elected at extraordinary elections to be held on May 25 will last for 5 years, this information has been imparted by Chair of the CCU Yuri Baulin, the RBK-Ukraine (РБК-Украина) reports.

«The text of part 1, 5 of article 103 of the Constitution of Ukraine should be construed as follows: the President of Ukraine is elected by the citizens of Ukraine at extraordinary and regular elections for a 5-year term», - said Mr. Baulin.

According to Mr.Baulin, having examined the relevant documents, the Constitutional Court of Ukraine came to a conclusion that the presidential term set forth in part 1, article 103 of the fundamental Law of Ukraine, a 5-year tenure is the only term stipulated by the Constitution the Ukraine’s President is elected to.

Yuri Baulin noted the court made a decision to grant a 5-year tenure to the President of Ukraine irrespective of whether the latter comes to the office due to extra or regular elections

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