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NCRCI submits 4G implementation plan to Cabinet of Ministers

Wednesday, 23 September 2015 17:41

The National Commission, which regulates the sphere of communication and informatization, considered and approved the draft resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on approval of the plan of measures for 2015-2017, aimed at implementation of the system of mobile communication of the fourth generation in Ukraine in 2017, finalized as per results of agreement with interested authorities, the press-service of Commission reports.

The document was elaborated pursuant to the Decree of the President of Ukraine dd. 21.07.2015 №445 on ensuring conditions for implementation of the system of mobile connection of the fourth generation and contains the list of necessary events, aimed at creation of equal conditions for market players for development and implementation of new technologies in the country, specifying the time limits for their conducting. The representatives of interested ministries and departments, market operators, relevant public organizations and unions were involved in work on this document. In previous month, on 18 August 2015, NCRCI preliminarily approved the draft plan and submitted it for approval to eight state authorities in accordance with current legislation. After receiving all the proposals and comments the Commission finalized the draft plan including those, which comply with the norms of current legislation and do not result in failure to meet deadlines of performance of the tasks, set by the President of Ukraine.

NCRCI emphasizes that in the 2nd half of 2017 there should be the final stage of the plan – granting the right, exclusively on the competitive basis, to usr LTE radio frequency technologies, packages in various gamuts, specifically through holding a tender, the winner of which will be decided by the participants, who fulfilled all its conditions and proposed the highest price for the relevant line,.

The draft resolution will be submitted for consideration to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine under established by legislation procedure.

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Чем бы она не являлась, тема требует изучения и законодательного регулирования - 20.8%
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