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National Bank Has Negotiated with Central Bank of Poland on Technical Assistance

Tuesday, 19 January 2016 13:19

 As per NBU information, Ukraine has been included into the list of priority partners, having access to the extended format of cooperation in the form of thematic packages of technical assistance and horizontal cooperation between two counties, within the framework of “Technical Assistance Program 2016+” of the Central Bank of Poland, UBR reports.

Among the directions of provision of technical assistance are monetary policy and its instruments, financial stability, payment systems, statistics, money turnover and currency issue, foreign currency reserve management, financial risk management.

It is also reported that the representatives of the Polish side have confirmed its support of NBU reforms and have named possible spheres, in which they are ready to provide expert and technical assistance.

The message says that NBU considers technical assistance projects as the possibility to research the successful experience of other central banks and find correct solutions for problems and tasks.

As UNIAN reports, the National Bank of Ukraine cooperates with the range of world central banks, such as the Central Bank of Austria, Netherlands, France, Sweden, Germany and other countries.

In addition, since 2009 the Canadian International Development Agency has implemented the Technical Assistance Project “National Bank of Ukraine: development of institutional capacity for efficient policy shaping” for the National Bank of Ukraine. The project is financed by the International Monetary Fund.    

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