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Gazprom Invoices Ukraine for $2.5 Bln

Tuesday, 19 January 2016 13:23

 The company expect for the payment of invoice for unused gas within 10 days.

On Tuesday, January 19, Gazprom sent Naftogaz of Ukraine the invoice for gas, unused by the company in the third quarter of 2015 under the take-or-pay condition, Корреспондент.net reports. 

“In accordance with the current contract between Gasprom and Naftogaz of Ukraine on the purchase and sale of gas, the Buyer undertakes to annually pay for the minimum annual amount of gas. According to the conditions of the contract, the minimum annual amount of gas in the 3rd quarter of 2015 was 10.485 billion cubic meters. Considering this, as well as the volume of gas, supplied by Gazprom in Ukraine, Naftogaz was invoiced for USD 2.5 billion”, Gazprom’s statement says.

The Russian company expects the payment of invoice within 10 days.

“Ukraine in 2015 actually refused from Russian gas purchases in the third quarter, thus there were no agreements on the take-or-pay condition in this period”, - said the Chairman Alexei Miller.

It should be reminded that on September 26 Russia, Ukraine and the European Commission agreed on the gas price of 232 dollars for Kyiv.  In addition, Gazprom stated that it will not require from Nazftogaz to observe the onerous rule “take or pay” till March 31, 2016.

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