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Pivovarskii Sets Conditions and Ready to Wait till February 16

Tuesday, 09 February 2016 17:32

The members of the Cabinet of Ministers have agreed to approve the program of actions for 2016, if it is not fulfilled, the government will resign, Minister of Infrastructure Andrei Pivovarskii, who revoked his statement about resignation, said in the interview to LigaBusinessIform, published on February 9.

“Today (February 8) members of the government will discuss the program of actions for 2016. At this meeting the conditions, obligatory for fulfillment by all branches of power, will be finalized. If they are not fulfilled, the Cabinet will resign”, - he stated.

“Government will submit to the parliament the list of conditions as per their deadlines for completion. Some decisions need to be taken within one week, some decisions - within two weeks, some - for one month. But the decisions should be ready now”, - Pivovarskii said.  

Pivovarskii responded how long he is going to expect for the changes at the post of minister: “Till February 16. Then it will be clear whether the parliament adopts these decisions or not.”

Pivovarskii announced all the conditions:

“First – decent salary of state employees. Without this, it is not possible to ensure qualitative work of all the machinery of officials”.

“Second – creation of a new program of coalition and imposition of responsibility for its non-fulfillment”, he said.

Pivovarskii said: “Last week 140 deputies voted for the dedicated road fund. And this is the main law for reforming the motorway! One more law on the reform of motorway №0954 and the law on internal water transport were not even included into the agenda. I am in charge of reforms, and the Rada does not bring already developed draft laws to vote, and if it brings to vote – Rada does not pass them.”

“According to deputies, there are only scumbags in the parliament, who do nothing. Meanwhile, there are almost 100 draft laws, vital for development of the country, which are not approved and passed”, he emphasized.

“Third (condition) – privatization. Today state companies are literally being “milked” for withdrawing funds for financing political parties and for deputies personally. This happens both on central and regional levels.”, - said the Minister.

“Have a look at the list of strategic state companies. There is the company Ukrinteravtoservice. It does not have anything strategic, but people make money on it. And that’s why I want and cannot change the manager for 14 months”, - he noted.

“I change the manager of Kherson port. The number of received deputies’ petitions is huge. October port, Ukrpochta – the same situation: competitions are blocked by the court”, Pivovarskii said.

In his opinion, “all companies, except for the small number of strategic (like Naftogaz, Ukrpochta, Ukraliznytsia) need to be urgently sold.”

“This is one of sources of evil. Here the corruption flows are generated and then directed to combat with me and initiatives of our ministry”, he said.

“Next – the reform of administration of taxes, and it does not refer to the decrease of tax rates. This reform has been spoken about for 14 months. The decision can be taken now and the reforms can be started next week”, - Pivovarskii said.


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