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AMCU and National Bank against Transfer of Monopoly Right to Trade with Assets of Bankrupt Banks to SEAIP

Thursday, 03 March 2016 18:46

State regulators do not want monopolies on this market.

The Antimonopoly Committee and National Bank unofficially do not endorse the decision of Arsenii Yatseniuk to set monopoly on the market of assets of insolvent banks, the source reported to RBC-Ukraine in AMCU.

“On Tuesday, we conducted a working meeting with NBU management. The position of all participants and the Deposit Insurance Fund is identical: SEAIP can be one of the platforms, on which the sale of bank property and loan portfolios is allowed. But the prohibition for other companies, accredited by the Fund, to sell these assets contradicts the requirements of the Law on Protection of Economic Competition. The participation of the state in the equity of the trader cannot be the basis for the monopoly position”, - the regulator said in the AMCU.

It should be reminded that on February 24, 2016, at the meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers Arsenii Yatseniuk, expressed concern regarding the sale of assets of liquidated banks and required to transfer the exclusive right of sale of such assets to the stare enterprise SEAIP. The private online platforms, accredited by IDIF, disputed such initiative. Previously the Fund stated that it plans to obtain about UAH 15 billion from the sale of assets of insolvent banks in 2016. As per results of 2015, IDIF managed to obtain about UAH 1.2 billion. In 2015 the assets, amounting to UAH 270 mln, were transferred for sale to SEAIP. The cost of sold assets did not reach UAH 11 mln.

According to data from the official site of the IDIF, the list of accredited platforms includes 50 companies. SEAIP is subordinated to the Ministry of Justice.


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