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USA Demands Reforms from Ukraine

Friday, 18 March 2016 16:41

USA promises to put pressure on Ukrainian authorities in order to speed up the implementation of reforms.

Ukraine should also completely fulfill its part of Minsk agreements.

Spokesman of US Department of State John Kirby stated that the United States promises to put pressure on Ukrainian authorities in order to speed up the implementation of reforms, Correspondent.net reforms.   

“Ukrainian parliament, government and president have the common responsibility and should put aside their differences and implement reforms, which Ukrainians need. We believe that they will do it and we continue to monitor and promote it as intensely as possible”, - the representative of the Department of State said.

He emphasized that Ukraine should also completely fulfill its part of Minsk agreements, including the political changes in the country.

“In our opinion, Ukrainian government can implement certain political reforms and realize “Minsk”. We acknowledge that currently it is not realized completely”, Kirby said. 

John Kirby noted that USA will not weaken their sanctions against Russia, unless Moscow fulfills their part of obligations on Minsk agreements.

“Sanctions against Russia will be imposed as long as Moscow continues to violate the territorial integrity of Ukraine and Minsk agreements are not realized. This decision will remain unchanged”, he emphasized.


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