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EBRD Invests 1 Billion Euros in Ukraine

Friday, 25 March 2016 09:35

The priority will be the energy saving programs.

This year the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development plans to invest 1 billion euros in Ukraine, EBRD Director for Ukraine Shevki Acuner said in the interview to European Truth, Correspondent reports.

“In 2016 we expect to invest about 1 billion euros. The priority still remains the work on different energy saving programs. In April we launch a program, aimed at measures on improvement of energy saving in the housing sector, especially for apartment buildings”, - Acuner said.

According to him, the program will be realized through Ukrainian banks.

“We expect that it will allow to undo the effect, caused by recent increase of rates”, EBRD representative emphasized.

He added that in the state sector the priority remains roads, energy and gas sector.

“The funding in these spheres is impossible. It is connected with the support of reforms. We attract grant and donor aid for the work of consultants, development of legislation. The good example can be the code of corporate management and restructuring of “Naftogaz”. The funds were allocated for concrete reforms in the company and these reforms are being implemented”, Acuner emphasized.

It should be noted that Ukraine is the second in the world in terms of EBRD loans after Turkey. Previously the bank stated that it will continue to invest in Ukraine, while the country implements reforms.


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