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Shkutiak to Look after Prosecutors – Lutsenko

Tuesday, 31 May 2016 15:17

The General Prosecutor announced about the appointment of the main “cleaner” in GPOU, Hubs reports.

Petr Shkutiak will become the Head of the Department of Internal Security of the General Prosecutor’s Office, - General Prosecutor Yurii Lutsenko said.

“The Internal Security – Petr Shkutiak was appointed as the leader of the working group of internal security (General Prosecutor’s Office) of Ukraine on inspecting prosecutors in the center and in the field”, - he said during the press-conference.

“Petr Shkutiak, 35 years old, raise from the rank of the assistant master, was the Head of Dolynska District State Administration, participated in “language” Maidan, in big Maidan, went to war as the volunteer from Maidan, was grievously wounded at Luhansk airport in Heorhiivka… Has 5 kids”, - the General Prosecutor noted.

Meanwhile, Lutsenko warned Shkutiak that he will not tolerate any violations. “The question is simple enough: there is the prosecutor’s declaration – they all submitted them together with members of their families, this is about thousand of people… if arithmetic (with expenses) is wrong, they will be dismissed by the order of the General Prosecutor for violating the Code of Ethics of Prosecutors”, - he said.

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