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Persons Involved from Lists of “Off-the-Book Accounting” Should Take Criminal and Political Responsibility – Parubii

Wednesday, 01 June 2016 16:42

The persons involved, who are mentioned in the lists of “off-the-book accounting” of the Party of Regions, should take both criminal and political responsibility, UNIAN reports.

This was said by Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada Andrii Parubii in his interview to 5 Channel.

He noted that documents have been submitted to the National Anticorruption Bureau of Ukraine. “And I am expecting that it will conduct investigation without deferrals, quickly, so that society could sooner find out the truth about specified documents”.

Replying to the question, if persons involved from this list should take responsibility, Parubii said: “Of course – both criminal and political”. “I am confident that even if NABU cannot find the legally defined crime in certain facts, but the society sees that people are involved in these cases and NABU confirms that they are involved, then I am confident that except for criminal, the responsibility will also be political”, Parubii noted.

According to UNIAN, during the press-conference in Kyiv General Prosecutor of Ukraine Yurii Lutsenko stated that the surnames of some representatives of political parties, which are familiar to everybody today, are involved in the lists of “Yanukovych’s off-the-book accounting”.

It should be reminded that former SSSU Deputy Chairman Victor Trepak said in his interview to “Mirror of the Week” that he submitted documents to NABU, confirming illegal payments by the Party of Regions of funds of some former and acting high ranking officials. He told about the “off-the-book accounting” of the Party of Regions with general payments for the amount of about USD 2 billion.

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