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Poroshenko Signs Law on Status of Judges

Wednesday, 13 July 2016 17:15

In particular, the law increases salaries of judges, Correspondent.net reports.

President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko has signed the new amended law: “On Judicial System and Status of Judges”, which will allow fulfilling the provisions of amendments, passed by the Parliament, to the Constitution of the State in terms of justice, the press-office of the President reports on Wednesday, July 13.

It is stated that the purpose of this law is the “implementation of updated constitutional principles of administration of justice for ensuring independence and depoliticization of judicial power, strengthening its responsibility to the society, implementation of new principles of formation of the judicature, strengthening the role of the public on control over decency and ethics of the representatives of the judicature and optimization of judicial system”.

In particular, the law stipulates the procedure of judicial selection and appointment. First, the qualification examination is conducted, the candidates are verified within the limits of anti-corruption legislation. Then the competition to fill the vacancies is conducted. As a result, the High Council of Justice passes the decision on enlisting the candidates for appointment by the President of Ukraine.

According to this law, the official salaries of judges increase. The basic salary of the judge of the local court will be 30 minimum salaries, the judges of the appellate, superior specialized court – 50 minimum salaries, Supreme Court – 75 minimum salaries. The regional coefficients and different additional payments will also be applied additionally to the basic salary.

The Cabinet of Ministers was forbidden to reduce salaries for judges.

According to the law, not the President, but the High Court of Justice will transfer judges from one court to another, but the President will appoint them upon the recommendation of the High Council of Justice.

The authorities of judges, appointed for the period of 5 years before this law came into force, are suspended upon the expiration of the period, for which they were appointed. Upon the completion of authorities they can be appointed for the post of the judge as per the results of competition.

The law also stipulates that the court is created and liquidated by the court. The draft law on creation or liquidation of the court is introduced into the Verkhovna Rada by the President of Ukraine after consultations with the High Court of Justice.  

In addition, the types and composition of local courts as well as their authorities are determined in the document. According to the law, the local general courts include the district courts, local economic - district economic courts, local administrative – relevant district courts.

The appellate courts hear civil and criminal cases. The appellate economic and administrative courts hear cases of the relevant categories.

The law also stipulates the creation of the public council of decency, composed of 20 members, which will assist the High Judicial Qualifications Commission in determining the adequacy of the judge or the candidate for this position to the criteria of professional ethics and decency.

The judiciary meeting, the Council of Judges and the judiciary convention will remain the judiciary self-administration bodies.

According to Correspondent.net, on June 2, the Verkhovna Rada passed the new amended version of the Law On Judicial System and Status of Judges, which Poroshenko introduced into the Parliament.

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