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How Odious Swindler Elena Yakymenko Tricks Billions out of Zlatobank and Deposit Insurance Funds

Tuesday, 09 August 2016 17:18

In today’s ANTIKOR material we would like to inform the public about the “deeds” of the odious swindler Elena Yakymenko, thanks to which Zlatobank JSC and the Individual Deposit Insurance Fund (hereinafter - IDIF) incurred billion losses. As it became known from documents, which were brought to attention of our editor’s office, Elena Yakymenko, being the Chairwoman of the Supervisory Board of the Bank, committed some illegal acts in order to move out and appropriate the Bank’s assets.

Thus, during the period from 2011 to 2014 the Bank disbursed on attractive terms 66 loans to the companies affiliated with Chairwoman of the Supervisory Board Elena Yakymenko. For some time before the introduction of temporary administration to the Bank, with the personal assistance of Elena Yakymenko as well as other bank executives, the range of transactions was conducted, thank to which the liquid pledged assets of the Bank were moved out.

As the results of illegal acts of Elena Yakymenko and other bank executives, Zlatobank JSC and the state, represented by the Individual Deposit Insurance Fund, incurred losses for the total amount of more than UAH 4 billion. The amounts of funds and assets, funneled out by Yakymenko, would be sufficient for covering all expenses, associated with liquidation and putting out of market of Zlatobank JSC.

Taking the above into account, the illegal acts of Elena Yakymenko and certain executives of the Bank contain qualifying attributes of the crime, stipulated by the relevant part of the Art. 191 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine – “appropriation, embezzlement or gaining possession over someone else’s property through abuse of office by the official, committed in collusion with the group of individuals in (particularly) large amounts”.

As well as the relevant part of Art. 364 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine – “abuse of authority or office, that is a willful use of authority or official position contrary to the official interests by an official for mercenary motives or other personal benefit or benefit of any third persons, where it caused any substantial damage to legally protected rights, freedoms and interests of individual citizens, or state and public interests, or interests of legal entities”.

Also, Art. 366 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine – “forgery in office”.

We think that this information is quite sufficient for NABU and the General Prosecutor’s Office. We are expecting for some response from Artem Sytnyk and Yurii Lutsenko.

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