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NBU Revokes Eurobank’s License

Wednesday, 17 August 2016 17:22

At the suggestion of Individuals’ Deposit Insurance Fund the National Bank of Ukraine passed the decision dated August 16, 2016, № 215-рш on revocation of the banking license and liquidation of Eurobank PJSC.

As it is noted, Eurobank PJSC is declared insolvent on August 17, 2016, after establishing the facts of conducting transactions on “splitting” deposits – transfer of funds, amounting up to UAH 200 ths, from current corporate accounts to personal accounts.

Pursuant to p.5 of the first part of article 75 of the Law of Ukraine “On Banks and Banking” the National Bank undertakes to pass the decision on declaring the bank insolvent in case of finding facts, confirming the transactions, conducted by the bank, as a result of which the liabilities to individuals within the guaranteed reimbursement amount increase due to reduction of liabilities to legal entities.

It should be reminded that on June 15, 12:00, Eurobank PJSC suspended operation of payment cards of the financial institution.

It was previously reported that the National Bank of Ukraine agreed the purchase of 50% of Eurobank with Bolat Nazarvaev, whose name and surname coincides with the name and surname of the brother of President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbaev.

In early May Nazarbaev notified about the intention to acquire 63.335 mln shares, which make up 50% of the registered authorized capital of the Ukrainian bank. In addition, Hulmira Sarsembaeva also intends to purchase 50% of shares.

As per NBU data, as of May 20 50% of bank shares belong to Finance-Analit-Service LLC, the beneficial owner of which is Alexander Adarych, other 50% of bank shares are mediated through Marketing Technologies LLC, which belongs to Vadim Pushkariov.

As of April 1, 2016, Eurobank PJSC ranks 47th among the banks of Ukraine in terms of the volume of assets (UAH 1.7 bln).

Source: regulator’s site.

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