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State Property Fund Starts Preparing Sumykhimprom for Privatization

Monday, 03 October 2016 15:29

99.99% of enterprise shares will be privatized at the auction on the basis of price openness.

The State Property Fund of Ukraine (SPSU) started the process of preparation for privatization of the large chemical enterprise, undergoing the process of rehabilitation – Sumykhimprom, 99.99% shares of which belong to the state, as it is said in the official edition of the fund “The News of Privatization”, UNIAN reports.

According to the message, 99.99% of enterprise shares will be privatized at the auction on the basis of price openness.

As UNIAN reports, in June, the Economic Court of Sumy region prolonged Sumykhimprom’s rehabilitation for 6 months – by the end of 2016.

The plan of Sumykhimprom’s rehabilitation envisages the preservation of its integral property complex and jobs, continued payment of taxes and dues, increasing volumes of production. Meanwhile, this plan does not envisage the participation of outbound investor, i.e. the enterprise will remain state-owned.

Meanwhile, previously the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine approved the sale of state stock of Sumykhimprom’s shares by November 30.

“Sumykhimprom” is the energy chemical complex, producing titanium dioxide, mineral resources, sulphur and phosphoric acids, iron oxide pigments and coagulants.

In January-June 2016, the enterprise increased the net profit by 64.2% - up to UAH 28.4 mln from UAH 17.3 mln in the same period of 2015. 


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