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Google to Search in New Way

Tuesday, 08 November 2016 16:08

Google informed about the beginning of testing the mobile-first index. IT giant claimed that currently a large number of users search in Google through mobile devices – Take-profit.org reports.

However, the ranging system continues to firstly assess the desktop version of the site in order to determine its relevancy, i.e. the degree of consistency of search hits with expectations of the user, addressing this search request.  

It can cause problems in case, when the mobile version of the site contains less content that the ordinary desktop version. That is why the search algorithm does not assess the site properly, if it is browsed through mobile device. And, thanks to mobile-first index, the mobile versions of the sites will be assessed for relevancy.

“Though our search index continues to be the only for web-sites and applications, our algorithms will firstly use the content of the mobile version of the site for ranging pages”, according to Google.

Originally, the mobile-first index testing will be conducted with a small number of users. In the future, such indexation will work in the entire world.

The company gave several useful tips for web masters. If the site with adaptive design or dynamic display, where the main content and marking are identical for mobile as well as for desktops, you do not need to do anything.

If the site configuration is such that the main content markings differ on mobile devices and desktops, you need to introduce some amendments:

To make sure that the structured marking is used for desktop as well as mobile version of the site.

To use robots.txt testing tool in order to make sure that the mobile version is available for Googlebot.

The sites should introduce amendments to canonical links. Google will continue to use these links for provision of relevant mobile and desktop results.

The company also advises web-masters to add and verify the mobile version, in case if they verified only the desktop version of the site in Search Console.

If there is only the desktop site, Google will index it, even browsing it from the mobile agent.  

If the mobile version of the site is created, you need to keep in mind that the functional site, aimed at desktops, can be better than the non-operational or incomplete mobile version. Google recommends launching the mobile version of the site only if it is completely ready.


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