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Naftogaz Reports about Price Increase for Russian Gas

Wednesday, 07 December 2016 15:31

Today, the prices in Slovakia are lower than the expected price of Gazprom’s gas since January 1, 2017.

The prices for Russian gas will increase from 186 to 200-210 dollars for one thousand cubic meters in Q1 2017, Naftogaz’s Commercial Director Yurii Vitrenko said.

 “The price of Gazprom’s gas is currently not 140-160 dollars…, but about 183-186 dollars for one thousand cubic meters (as adjusted for calorific value, unadjusted – more than 178 dollars). From Q1, it will be 200-210 dollars”, - Vitrenko wrote in Facebook.

He noted that the prices for European gas are constantly fluctuating, and in August-September there were numerous supplies at the price, lower than the one, offered by Gazprom. 

“We could purchase more, but Gazprom blocks virtual reverse; that is why we bought less than we wanted. Then there was a very cold autumn and the European prices became higher than Gazprom’s ones, however, the difference was not big. Even Russian Minister Novak speaks about the difference of 15-30 dollars (though he exaggerates)”, Vitrenko emphasized.

According to him, currently the gas prices are decreasing on European markets and the current price in Slovakia was lower than the one, expected from Gazprom in Q1 2017.

Vitrenko also claimed that Ukraine will not any way purchase gas from Gazprom without signing additional agreement to the existing contract with Russian company or trilateral agreement with EU and RF.

As Correspondent.net reported, the trilateral meeting in the format of Ukraine-Russia-EU on organization of gas delivery and transit from Russia to Europe is scheduled for December 10. The negotiations will take place in Brussels.

Shortly before, Naftogaz claimed that Ukraine has sufficient gas reserves in underground gas storage facilities for the heating season of 2016-2017 even in case of occurrence of low temperatures or peak loads on the energy system. 


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