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Ukrainians Eat 80 Grams of Expensive Cheeses per Year - Experts

Friday, 06 January 2017 13:05

By normal standards, a person should annually eat 11 kg of cheese; in Ukraine, this indicator reaches only 5 kg. As for the cheeses of expensive category, their intake is limited to 80 g per year, Pro-Consulting analysts said.

The total consumption of cheese in Ukraine remains quite low. By normal standards, a person should annually eat 11 kg of cheese; in Ukraine, this indicator reaches only 5 kg. As for the cheeses of expensive category, their intake is limited to 80 g per year”, according to company analysts.

According to experts, first of all, it is worth noting that the Ukrainian market of premium cheeses is import-driven.

Such types of cheese as Gorgonzola, Roquefort, Sainte-Maure, Parmesan and others, are mainly imported from other countries. The products of Ukrainian manufactures are presented in low- and mid-price segments, as, at current stage, there are no possibilities for organization of production lines, complying with international standards. In addition, the raw materials for premium cheese is quite expensive, which complicates the possibilities of competition of national companies with foreign ones. Nevertheless, currently, several Ukrainian operators are working in the premium cheese segment, but the technology of its production still does not comply with traditional one”, according to Pro-Consulting.

The analysts added that in general, at the counters of Ukrainian shops, one can meet premium cheeses, manufactured in Germany (35.9% out of the total imported products), Poland (29.7%), France (13.0%), Italy and other countries.

In terms of the assortment of consumption, Ukrainian consumers choose Camembert, Brie and blue cheeses more often. Nevertheless, taste preferences differ. If we consider the situation on premium cheese market in dynamics, then we may notice that within the period between 2010 and 2013, this product segment demonstrated significant growth, but, starting from 2014, the situation totally changed. In particular, in view of high prices, the import significantly decreased. Some companies either stopped importing premium cheeses in Ukraine or significantly limited its assortment. In Q1 2016 versus the same period of the previous year, some activity was observed on the market, however the situation still remains quite difficult. Commodity prices largely depend on the currency rate, the factors of foreign economy and financial standing of the country. Thus, in 2012-2013, the price for cheeses slightly increased, however in 2014 its leap was 59%, and in 2015 – 53%. In 2016, the similar trend continued”, the experts informed.

As the analysts assert, nevertheless, we still may expect for a price drop for premium cheeses.

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Новая эволюционная ступень финансовых отношений - 25.9%
Чем бы она не являлась, тема требует изучения и законодательного регулирования - 20.8%
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