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GPOU Sues over Former Deputy Chairman of Management Board of BG Bank

Friday, 13 January 2017 16:01

The General Prosecutor’s Office issued indictment in the criminal proceeding against Former Deputy Chairman of Management Board of BG Bank, which appropriated the bank funds in especially large amounts (more than UAH 80 mln), according to the Economic Truth, GPOU reports.

As noted in the message, the Prosecutor’s Office prepared materials for reference to the court with the lawsuit in administrative court proceeding with the purpose of protection of public interests, declaration of transactions as invalid and reimbursement of said losses.

«The actions of the specified person shall be qualified according to P.5 of Art.191 (Misappropriation, embezzlement or conversion or property by malversation, committed in respect of an especially gross amount), P.2 of Art.28 of P.2 of Art. 366 (forgery, having grave consequences) of the CC of Ukraine and shall be punishable by the imprisonment», according to the message.

As reported, BG Bank is associated with Artem Pshonka, the son of Former General Prosecutor of Ukraine Victor Pshonka.

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