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Danyliuk about Memorandum with IMF: Everything to Be Decided in Few Days

Thursday, 02 March 2017 18:51

Minister of Finance Alexander Danyliuk said that the signing of the Memorandum with the International Monetary Fund is the question, which will be decided in few days, Minister said in the interview to ZN.UA

“We did not sign the memorandum, but we are very close to it. I think that everything will be decided in few days – today or tomorrow. And I hope that this question will not be delayed. But currently, the Memorandum was not signed; there was misinformation, but it is not critical, as Reuters was mistaken for few days”, - Danyliuk explained.

The Minister of Finance noted that the absence of Ukraine in IMF agenda does not mean that the question of the tranche was frozen or postponed.

“As concerns the absence of the Ukrainian question in the agenda and chronical “ah” in this regard, here we need to understand the procedure, through which everything works. First, the Memorandum is signed, then, within two weeks, the Board of Directors meeting is held. The agenda is drawn up, in fact, for two weeks. And of course, if the Memorandum is not signed yet, then the agenda does not contain the date of the meeting, dedicated to Ukraine”.

The Minister of Finance reminded that Ukraine generally receives the tranche after the Board of Directors meeting, within few days. And the whole amount of tranche as previous ones will be targeted at the gold currency reserves of the National Bank.

It should be reminded that on March 1, Reuters reported that Ukraine singed the memorandum with IMF, which will allow opening the way of obtaining a new tranche under the program of the financial aid for USD 17.5 billion.

Previously, IMF Managing Director Christine Lagarde said that the negotiations with the International Monetary Fund with Ukraine on allocation of the next tranche are continuing.

In September 2016, IMF approved the allocation of the 3rd tranche, amounting to USD 1 billion.

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