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USA Intends to Sue over DPRK due to Embezzlement of USD 81 mln from Central Bank of Bangladesh

Thursday, 23 March 2017 18:38

US attorneys are preparing the lawsuit against North Korea due to the embezzlement of USD 81 mln from the account of New York Federal Reserve Bank in Bangladesh, RNS reports quoting the Wall Street Journal.

The Los Angeles and New York offices of the Federal Bureau of Investigation found out that the responsibility for hacker attack lies with North Korea, as specified one of the newspaper’s sources.

The charges will be also pressed against the alleged Chinese intermediaries, who, according to the Attorney’s Office, helped North Korea to organize the hacker attack.

The spokesperson of US Department of Justice declined to comment, WSJ notes. In December 2016, it became known that hackers embezzled USD 81 mln, owned by the Bank of Bangladesh, from the account in New York Federal Reserve Bank, using SWIFT system.

In February 2016, the hackers already embezzled the funds, amounting to USD 15 mln, from accounts of the Bank of Bangladesh. Thanks to assistance from the Philippines, the funds were returned.

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