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AMCU Advises Akhmetov How to Purchase Coal

Friday, 14 April 2017 13:49

The Antimonopoly Committee suggested DTEK Dneprenergo, DTEK Vostokenergo, DTEK Zapadenergo undertaking measures on purchasing coal for power generation on a competitive basis, according to the committee’s message, the Economic Truth reports.

“During May-December 2017, to make procurement of the power generating coal for power generation on a competitive basis, in the amount of not less than 10% of coal consumption for power generation for the same period of 2016”, according to the message.

As Ukrenergo NEC representative noted during the committee’s session, 10% of consumption of the energy generating coal for the previous year can be about 2 mln tons, which is the significant volume for the power generating coal market.

“The acceptance of suggestions was preceded by the comprehensive electricity and power generating coal market research, conducted by the committee”.

Previously, DTEK approved 600 ths tons of the anthracite coal from South African Republic.

Currently, Kryvorizhska and Prydneprovska thermal power stations were temporarily stopped for accumulation of anthracite.

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