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SSSU Conducts Searches at Yandex Ukraine Under Article “Treason Against State”

Monday, 29 May 2017 17:12

SSU conducts the search in Kyiv and Odessa offices of Yandex Ukraine. The SSSU’s press secretary Elena Gitlyanskaya confirmed this information for the edition. Thousands Ukrainian marketing experts used such company’s services as «Yandex.Metrica», «Yandex.Direct» и Yandex Data Factory, Marketingchallenge reports.

According to Gitlyasnkaya, the search was conducted under the article 111 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine – treason against the state. The influence of the article spreads over the country’s information security threat. The guilty under this article will face 12-15 years of imprisonment with the confiscation of property.

“The representatives of the State Security Service of Ukraine are now in our Kyiv and Odessa offices. We do not any information about the reasons of today SSSU’s actions. Our lawyers are on their ways to the offices. Under the legal procedures, we are ready to provide all necessary information to the authorities”, according to the press office of the company.

It should be reminded that on May 17, President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko signed the law on the application of personal special economic and other restrictive measures. The list, consisting of almost 500 legal entities, included Yandex and Mail.Ru Group. The second operates the social networks Vkontakte and Odnoklassniki.

The governmental document restricts access of services to the providers of Ukraine, bans trade transactions and cancels financial liabilities of the participants of the list. The restrictions apply to both Russian legal entities as well as Ukrainian branches.

Previously, Marketing Challenge investigated why, without VKontakte and Yandex, the advertising agencies will not lose money and how the business will response to state ban on using these services.   

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