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Voting for EU-Ukraine Association to Happen at Dutch Parliament Today

Tuesday, 30 May 2017 17:02

The majority is sufficient for a successful voting.

On Tuesday, May 30, the Dutch Senate (the upper house of parliament) will conduct the voting regarding the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement, and in case of the positive decision, the government will be able to ratify this document, Ukrainian News reports.

As European Truth reports, last week, the debates on the ratification of this Agreement were held in the Senate, which evidenced the creation of the majority of supporters of this document.

Except for traditional supporters of the agreement, the senators from VVD, D66, GroenLinks, PvdA, the document was supported by nine senators of CDA party, which officially speaks out against the approval as well as three senators from CU party, which does not officially support ratification either, this majority will be sufficient for a successful voting.

The approval of ratification in the Senate remains the last legislative step, which will unblock the official launch of EU-Ukraine Association.

It should be reminded that previously, Prime Minister of Netherlands Mark Rutte forecast that on May 30, the Senate will support the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement, after which the government will be able to ratify this document.

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