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Ukraine May not Obtain 600 Million Euros from EU - Klympush-Tsintsadze

Tuesday, 18 July 2017 17:39

If Ukraine does not fulfill some EU conditions until late October, it may not obtain 600 mln euros of EU aid, Vice Prime Minister on European and Euro-Atlantic Integration of Ukraine Ivanna Klympush-Tsintsandze told Interfax-Ukraine.

“If Ukraine does not fulfill these conditions by late October in the format, acceptable for our partners, in order some questions are at the final stage, then we will not be able to obtain the last tranche of the macrofinancial aid”, Klympush-Tsintsandze said.

She noted that this EU aid program expires on 4 January 2018, and if Ukraine is late, it will be required to conduct new negotiations.

Among the conditions, which Ukraine should fulfill: the creation of conditions, under which it will be impossible to violate the obligations of Ukraine on the free trade area with EU (like the moratorium on the sale of round wood or imposition of additional duties on the export of commodities), the creation of automated system of NACA’s preliminary audit of electronic declarations, using access to all registers, including the State Fiscal Service.

For solving such issue, it is necessary to introduce amendments to the laws as well as NACA should conduct organizational actions for starting the operation of such system.

The creation of the open register of unrepaid loans is also a requirement.

In addition, solving the issue of social payments to refugees is among requirements. Klympush-Tsintsandze states that the noticeable progress was achieved in this issue. The ministry of social policy conducted reregistration and submits the payments statistics to EU each week.

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