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Paris Claims EUR 100 Bln from London for Brexit

Thursday, 20 July 2017 17:22

Brexit may be very costly for the British.

As Correspondent.net reports, UK’s payment of its balance is the mandatory condition for starting talks on its withdrawal from EU.

The mandatory condition of UK withdrawal from the European Union will be the payment of London’s debt to EU budget, Reuters reports. This amount can reach EUR 100 bln, Minister of Economy of France Bruno Le Maire said.

“I will tell the same what Margaret Thatcher liked to repeat: We want our money back. We can negotiate this amount; however, the fact itself that UK should pay the debt to EU budget is the important condition for starting Brexit talks”, Le Maire said.

It is noted that UK is required to cover partial common costs of the European Union, which the country undertook during its EU membership. According to Maire, this amount may reach 100 bln euros (115 bln dollars).

“UK’s payment of its debt is the mandatory condition for starting any talks on the future of our relationships”, the Minister of Economy added.

This week, UK and EU started the first round of Brexit talks. UK Secretary of State for Exiting the European Union David Davis had meeting with EU’s Chief Negotiator Michel Barnier in Brussels. Thefirstroundoftalkswilllastfourdays.

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